Thursday, March 22, 2012

Random Post

This was a regular feature of my old blog, and it worked some I'm bringing it here too.  This can also be called "When I feel like writing but don't really have anything to talk about"

  • I am getting new tires tomorrow.  And I have the nerve to be kind of excited about it.  What kind of grown up foolishness is that?  Who gets excited about tires?  Especially tires that cost way too much money!  Me I guess.  Although I may just be happy that I no longer have to clutch the steering wheel for dear life when there's a drop of moisture. 
  • While they're doing my tires, Ladybug and I will saunter across the parking lot and visit Target.  Interestingly enough, I'm not excited about that... Maybe it is opposites day, or maybe it is just because the Target over there blows. 
  • I've eaten way too much salt this week.  I've picked up a few pounds and my stomach is all distended like I'm 20 weeks. There is nothing cute about that! 
  • I've been so bored at work this week I've literally almost fallen out of my chair.  That's not good.  If it does ever happen, I will continue to lay there.  Otherwise, people will outright laugh at you. 
  • I'm totally sleepy.  But it would take way too much effort to walk up the 6 steps to go to bed. 
  • My refrigerator decided that it no longer wants to dispense water.  That isn't cool at all.  Drinking from the tap seems wrong.  Even though it's the same water.
  • I wish I could get new release movies in my house.


  1. I'm not sure how to reply to this one...but I read it! Go me!!!!

  2. I didnt realize how much I missed your randomness!!lol I'd be at your house every Friday there was a new release. We havent been to the show in a while.

    1. see! that's one of the reasons I need a real in home theater.
